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Should a man ever hit a woman?

Woman slapping man
From Harvey;
I have been brought up by only my mother as my father has never really been around and when he was around he used to beat up my mum, no different to a lot of people's story's I know but my point is that I was taught to love and respect women and never hit a woman.

However my girlfriend of 1 year sometimes slaps me in an argument and even recently hit me with the hoover stick.

I think if I slapped her back I would be classed as a woman beater
Should men just take slaps/punches from women and never hit back purely because we are men? Or when should I hit back?

The Man Dem response;
This is a tricky one because on one hand you can't go around fighting girls like they are men simply because they hit you first, there is no pride in winning that fist fight.  On the other hand you can't be getting beat up by a girl as that's just lame.

You need to grab her up (in a restraining way) next time she puts her hands on you in that way, just so she knows that your not scared of her and that you are not gonna keep taking that shit.  Men should never hit women but at the same time women have no right to hit a man either.

If she carry's on acting like that then we suggest you dump the bitch before she makes you do something you regret.

~ Dee

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