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So it's actually illegal to be fat now? Better lose some weight!

Fat japanese guy
Alright, not quite illegal, but more regulated. In Japan Anyway!

Japan is making an effort to ensure that peoples bodies don't get in the supersized 'cuddly' aka obese slobbish shape of a lot of the American and British population.

The way they intend to do this? Check it out...
By having a regular gut measurement taken to ensure that you are within the recommended guidelines.

The recommended waist sizes are a 33.5 inch waistline for men and a 35.4 inches for women.

If you have been identified as a fatty, you can get some counseling or your employer may get fined, so to get you down to a more acceptable size they offer you gym memberships and pedometers and shit like that.

Makes sense to me, I think the main objective is to save on health care costs across the country. I know you've all looked at a 'large' person in an electric wheelchair buggy type thing and wondered, "do you need that or are you just too fat and lazy to walk". Admit it!

Anyway, what do you think about this. Should other countries adopt this hard approach? Or should we pretend that it's okay to let yourself get ridiculously overweight and cheesy between the fat cracks?

See the video to the story below:

~ Cee
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