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This is what happens when you get caught speeding!

Policeman with speed gunYou get a letter from the police and straight away your heart drops and you're thinking 'shit, what have I been caught doing?'

Then you realise you've been caught speeding.  Your next thought is 'shit, points on my licence and a £60 fine'

But that is not necessarily what has to happen...
You feel like to screwing up that letter and dashing it hard at the wall but before you do that if you keep reading you will see a little bit below that they are offering a way to get out of the points...

Basically provided you have been caught doing no more than the speed limit plus 10% plus an extra 9mph, you get the option of doing a speed awareness course instead of the points.  Example: on a 30mph road as long as you were doing less than 42mph (30mph +10% =33mph, +9 =42mph).

Surprise surprise this course is not free in fact they want even more money from us (£93) and 4 hours of our life!  If you need your licence for your job then this is your only real option.

Anyway I did this course so I thought I would let the man dem know what its all about.  I'm a man who likes to speed so I went there thinking let me just get through this 4 hour bullshit of being lectured at and made to watch videos of crash victims etc. But you know what? I'm glad I did it as I actually learned a few things and it wasn't about scare monger tactics at all.  No intense driving course either though (or any driving) for those of us hoping we got taught how to speed properly!

Did you know that in an emergency if you ring 999 they can only locate your actual location to a few miles of where you are?  that delay finding you if you had an accident on a country road that you didn't know where you need the ambulance asap could easily cost you your life.  However if you rang 112 instead it pings your exact location to within meters of where you are.

Did you know that only 4% of all crashes happen on the motorway and only 7% of all deaths from crashes happen on the motorway?

These are just some of the things I learned.  I won't tell you everything or you won't feel like you got your money's worth when you do it yourself!  Basically it wasn't a complete waste of a Sunday morning and my hard earned money.

How many man dem have done this course and did you learn anything?


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