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Best way to get that body that women want to touch!

Man doing a press up with pretty woman on his back
It's that vacation time of year where you're wearing t-shirts all the time and exposing what muscles you have or haven't got.

Not been in the gym this year?... then you're in trouble as they are all rammed now and you can't get on anything to do a proper workout.

THIS is what you can do!
You have probably got a holiday planned and yes you are going to look lame on the beach next to those muscly guys that all the hot women are sneakily looking at through their dark shades.

Get yourself some decent dumbbells and work out at home.  They need to be good ones or they are too much hassle to actually use.

I can fully recommend these bad boys! (pictured below)

Bowflex dumbbells
No messing around in between different exercises fiddling with screwing things on or off or pinching the springy weight stoppers that take all your energy and time.  In fact those types of dumbbells just makes working out at home a total ball ache and you end up with all different sets of weights all over your training area and it taking far longer than you can be bothered with.  Ain't nobody got time for dat.

Bowflex dumbbells
These Bowflex ones are so quick and easy for selecting what weight you want, you just turn the dial to what weight you want and bam you've got that weight on your dumbbell! ...the rest of weights are left in a nice neat tidy pile in one place while you get that pump on.

Yes they cost more than the average cheap dumbbells you can get, but hey they will get you the results you want because they are actually a pleasure to use rather than the cheap crappy ones that are just too much hassle and eventually won't get used.

You want the body? you want women checking you out? you want to look down on the skinny dudes that you used to be?  ...You know what you need to do!

Here's the link to buy it or get more info

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