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Am I being cheated on?

woman wearing shades and cryingFrom Lisa:
I have been with my man for 2 years now and we have even talked about having a baby. I know he loves because he always surprises me with gifts so he must be thinking about me.

However last week when I was picking him up from work, I was early so managed to park my car closer than usual to his building and I could see into the building. I could see him when he was walking towards the exit but he couldn't see me...
He was walking with a girl which I thought nothing of until I noticed they were having an argument about something and I could see that she was getting upset at which point my boyfriend wiped the tears from her face and put his arm around her. They hugged for a few seconds and then they said their goodbyes INSIDE the building and then went there separate ways. My boyfriend does not know I saw this and he didn't mention anything in the car or at all and I haven't mentioned it to him either as I don't want to accuse him of anything if it was innocent.

Do you think he is cheating on me with this girl?

The Man Dem response:

Has he ever mentioned this girl to you? if no then I have some bad news for you.  If yes then I have worse news for you!  And if she's prettier than you I think you already know! No not really, it 'looks' like he's been caught but then we only have your side of the story so don't go listening to your bitchy stirring friends who just love drama and are bitter because there man cheated on them!

You should have asked him about it straight away especially as you say you might wanna have kids with this guy.  Go ask him about her and watch his body language (here are some tips for things to look out for in a liar)

Not all guys cheat, but we would love to know how this plays out Lisa...

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