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This is why you hate your 'job'

Man unhappy at work 91% of people wish they had a different job to the one they got!
Is getting a 'job' is the route to unhappiness?

What you need to do is learn how to get paid AND be happy...
We all got a lifestyle to maintain, maybe designer clothes and cars we think we need, shit we just like to have -like 500 channels on our 3D HD TV, maybe even kids to support, and basically bills to pay, right?

Unless you're a drug dealer 'shottin' all that stuff I mentioned generally means getting and keeping a job.  The only thing is though is that most of us get stuck in a job that just doesn't make us happy.  In fact I used to fucking hate my job!  I used to be that guy (in post picture), every day.

We've all been brought up in old fashioned way of thinking; Go to school to get good grades to go College/University to ultimately get a good 'job'.

Well I think that's BULLSHIT.  And this is why...

How about teaching kids how to seize opportunities so they can maybe start their own company before getting a 'job', or how  to make a living without being forced to conform to fit in somebody else's work environment helping them fulfill their dreams by doing your 'job'.

It's roughly around 9% of us that are actually truly happy with their 'job'.  This is the place where you spend the most and the best hours of the day, you see your work colleagues more than you see your family and friends!

I'm not saying don't work, I'm saying don't sit in a job that you hate because your CV/Resume says you can only do that particular thing.

So how do you get out of that job that you that know is eating you inside when you also know that you need the money?...

I don't have an answer that will fix everybody but I know I do know that if you have read all this so far you can relate in some way to what I'm saying.

Things to think about are:

Do you have a skill or anything you could use to start your own thing? (Maybe along side your job at first?)

Could you retrain and change your career? (despite your CV/Resume pointing to just one career option)

How much money do you actually need to be HAPPY? (is your work life balance fucked up?)

You're only on this earth for so long, so enjoy it don't just get through it.

What can you do to make a change in your life?...


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