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Welcome Robin, Prince of thieves. Another Royal mouth that UK taxpayers have to feed

Prince William and Kate with their new baby
Yay the Prince is born. That's really great news and all, as is the news of any healthy baby being born but seriously people -get a grip its just a baby.

What does this mean for the UK?
How much will this baby cost the UK taxpayers?
Will he ever become King? For that matter what the fuck do the Royal family do?

What this means for the UK is absolutely jack shit! apart from costing around £1 million per year for food, clothing, nanny's and security etc.

Who is going to pay for that? Yep you've guessed it, the British public. So are Prince William and the Duchess Kate the same as the families on benefits that the British public ALSO pay for? or are they different because they are 'Royal' and get much more money?!

Why do the British public love the Royal family so much and what the fuck do they do?  They don't rule the country as the prime minister does that.  In fact if Prince 'Robin' (lets call him for now) did ever become King (which is quite unlikely until he is really old like wrinkly Prince Charles who is still waiting), he would have to wait for his Dad and Granddad (Granddad shouldn't be that long actually) to die first!

Princess DiannaStill that's not bad compensation for your family dying but probably means he'll spend a lot of his adult life hoping that it does happen!  ...Then again again he will probably know a few people who could help with that and I'm sure they know just how to make it look like an accident too.

~ Dee
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