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Killer fish target and chew off men's testicles!

Pacu fishI don't why men in Sweden are swimming in the sea without their shorts on but they need to stop that shit right now!

...Or risk getting their balls chewed off and then left for dead by testicle craving killer 'Pacu' fish! (a close evil relative of the already deadly piranha fish)
You're probably thinking WTF! is this for real? and so was I until I read the full article from the Telegraph.

The alert came after a fisherman in the Oresund Sound off the southern coast, caught one that was 21 centimeters long and recognized what it was and raised the alarm.
These freshwater fish can grow up 90cm and weigh up 25kg's, have proper teeth and they are actually targeting your balls.

In areas where Pacus hang out, fishermen have reportedly bled to death after losing their testicles to the fish's crushing jaws.  Locals think that these fish were made purposely for killing men in this unthinkable and painful way and say that their mouths are designed to fit human balls into comfortably!

This has got to be the worst way to die! I'd rather someone just broke my neck! ...Like this

I know your face is screwed up just reading this! and if it isn't, you're probably a woman,


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