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Like Oreos? Check out these 'Moreos'!

Moreo1Some Oreo loving freak has put a suggestion to Oreo makers called the 'Moreo'. Inside a pack would have a load of the sweet sugary filling along with the cookies in a separate section. I'm sure that's gonna help to slim down the already obese kids of today! Check out the pics...
Oreos have always been overhyped bullshit to me. Yeah, they're okay but I don't like it that I even know about the 'twist, lick and dunk' method. The truth is though that people love Oreos. These have not been created yet so you can't buy them yet, but the inventor, Reddit user EternallyXIII has gone deep:






Would you really want that much filling in your Oreo? If I was a kid this would probably be a dream come true - sandwiches for school? Fuck that, I'm making one of these bad boys:

Oreo stack

Coming soon to a supermarket near you no doubt!

Update: The Moreo has made it onto CNN! Check out the vid!

~ Cee

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