ATHEISM IS JUST ANOTHER BELIEF! Lack of belief in a god does not imply you have no beliefs as you still believe that there is no god. Loud mouthed atheists who try to force their beliefs on everybody else are just as fucking BAD and ANNOYING as the loud mouthed religious people who force their beliefs on everybody else. And the thing that annoys me the most?
The thing that annoys me the most about militant atheists is the tendency to spout "scientific findings" or what Richard Dawkins says as if it was gospel. If you don't fact check what you're talking about and if you blindly repeat what some bloke says aren't you just as bad as the religions you claim to hate so much?
Remember that scientific papers are subject to peer review. They are corrected, self-corrected, argued over and receive counter-papers for years until the scientific community comes to a consensus. So not only do these idiots repeat the words of another man blindly like parrots but they misunderstand exactly how science works. Science is not stone cold fact. Science is ever changing theories about how we (as fallible humans) THINK something works because of observations we've made with the technology we have available to us. Yes, there's a lot of theories we as a species have made that are most likely a hundred percent true, but there's also a lot we don't understand properly.
Let's use an example, years and years ago, because of the technology available to the thinkers of that period they believed in vitalism. This was the widely accepted scientific explanation of their day for living beings. It's obviously since been disproven by organic chemistry, biochemistry, genetics and the like. And even then, something like genetics isn't set in stone. We used to think it was a simple case of four bases, three to a codon, each codon to an amino acid, amino acid chain to a protein, but it's not. Turns out there's a-whole-nother level of complexity above that that we initially missed (epigenetics). Who's to say we won't discover more complexity above that as technology improves? Who's to say where we will be with scientific theory in another 400 years with unimaginable technology?
Anyway, my point is this whole Atheist memes, finger pointing at the "hurr durr stoopid bible humpers" bullshit makes you a complete asshole of a sorry excuse for a human being and makes you just as bad as the religious nuts that a. go on about how you'll burn in hell because you're not X/Y/Z religion and b. you hate so much.
Instead of pointing fingers at who's "wrong" or who's "stupid" and being on your high horse like somehow the fact that you have a different belief makes you superior, why not try to stop being such a bunch of immature little fuckfaces and remember what respect is? Try and remember we live in a (apparently) democratic country where we are free to believe in whatever the fuck we want to. Try and remember that the majority of people who are religious are just nice folk who believe in something different to you and that many of these religious people even work as scientists.
You have every right to be proud of what you believe in. You have no right to force your beliefs down everybody else's throats while pointing at everybody else, screaming about how they're stupid plebs and that you're the only person who's right.
And seriously, stop abusing science like religions abuse belief. Idiotic parrot-like recital of new papers and findings that have yet to be properly peer reviewed is embarrassing and is, as I've said, utterly wrong.
Here's a handy formula for the next time you find something idiotic like a "scientific paper" that "proves atheists are smarter than religious people":
One paper =/= fact
A thousand papers + Years of peer review, counter-arguments and changes = Closer to fact.
tl;dr - Extremists of any flavour are utterly insufferable fucktards, Richard Dawkins is an utterly insufferable, pompous king of the fucktards, people who don't fact check and quote science as gospel deserve to be lined up and shot (or at least educated), scientific theories are not OMG STONE FACTS (hint, they're theories) and they aren't the bastion of hope and trufax you're looking for just because you want to be le edgy and cool and not believe in what's mainstream.
Shit, I think I was supposed to be in work like half an hour ago.
/Morning Rant.
Submitted by anonymous user
Wow, that was deep! Now check out how Jamaican Reverend Goddy Goddy preaches!
![]() |
"There is no God" bus campaign |
Anyway, my point is this whole Atheist memes, finger pointing at the "hurr durr stoopid bible humpers" bullshit makes you a complete asshole of a sorry excuse for a human being and makes you just as bad as the religious nuts that a. go on about how you'll burn in hell because you're not X/Y/Z religion and b. you hate so much.
Instead of pointing fingers at who's "wrong" or who's "stupid" and being on your high horse like somehow the fact that you have a different belief makes you superior, why not try to stop being such a bunch of immature little fuckfaces and remember what respect is? Try and remember we live in a (apparently) democratic country where we are free to believe in whatever the fuck we want to. Try and remember that the majority of people who are religious are just nice folk who believe in something different to you and that many of these religious people even work as scientists.

And seriously, stop abusing science like religions abuse belief. Idiotic parrot-like recital of new papers and findings that have yet to be properly peer reviewed is embarrassing and is, as I've said, utterly wrong.
Here's a handy formula for the next time you find something idiotic like a "scientific paper" that "proves atheists are smarter than religious people":
One paper =/= fact
A thousand papers + Years of peer review, counter-arguments and changes = Closer to fact.
tl;dr - Extremists of any flavour are utterly insufferable fucktards, Richard Dawkins is an utterly insufferable, pompous king of the fucktards, people who don't fact check and quote science as gospel deserve to be lined up and shot (or at least educated), scientific theories are not OMG STONE FACTS (hint, they're theories) and they aren't the bastion of hope and trufax you're looking for just because you want to be le edgy and cool and not believe in what's mainstream.
Shit, I think I was supposed to be in work like half an hour ago.
/Morning Rant.
Submitted by anonymous user
Wow, that was deep! Now check out how Jamaican Reverend Goddy Goddy preaches!