If things couldn't get any worse for this poor ball-less baby, the monkey managed to eat one of the balls before they could catch the lil monkey.
This happened while the mother was changing the baby's dirty nappy [source].
How the hell do you explain that to him when he's older and the kids at school are making fun of him and calling him 'One ball'. It just sounds ridiculous! "...Son when you were a baby a bad monkey came and stole your balls and then ate one!" I know it was not the mother's fault but I wouldn't forgive my mom for letting someone steal my balls as a baby.
I'd rather be killed by Giant killer wasp's than live a life without my hand comforting balls!
Is this worse than having your testicles bitten off by ball munching killer fish?
Just watching this video gives me stomach ache so I can only imagine what that baby went through.