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Man bites his neighbour's DICK OFF in a fight over music being too loud!

Man with one toothNow there's fighting like men with fists, knee's, elbow's, head butt's and even biting if you have to.  But how does a fight come to where you find yourself with another man's dick in your mouth?

This guy's only got one fuckingtooth too! Just imagine that big ol' tooth sinking into your dick like a dirty dagger and then hacking it to shreds.

Apparently that's exactly what happened...
According to the source;
Jason Martin, 41, used his one remaining fang to chomp down on Richard Henderson's manhood "like it was a sandwich" after being asked to turn his Xbox volume down.

So much force was used during the brutal attack at his Dover, Kent, home that his 39-year-old's member was severed off.

"My willy was not attached to the rest of my body … I have never experienced that kind of pain to this day and I don't want to experience it ever again," Henderson, who has had it stitched back on, said.

I know the man dem have to do what ever it takes to defend themselves but boooyyyy is this going too far?

We've now shown you Testicle eating killer fish, then a Baby's balls eating monkey and now this one toothed dick muncher! Your tings are not safe!

We asked another one-toother what he thought about the incident and this is what he said...

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