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The Man Dem Guide: How to make women be VERY interested in YOU

By Alex Matlock
We all know that being boring doesn't get you laid, but what if there was something you could do, something that would make you more interesting to women? It’s a known fact that being interesting is a synonym to being attractive, sure it has its limits but the general idea is 100% true.  This advice will get you laid.
Because being interesting is absolutely key when it comes to getting laid, today I'm going to show you some simple yet very effective ways on how to become more interesting to women.

Explore Everything Like Columbus

This doesn't apply just to travelling, although if you travel a lot, you’d have a lot to talk about. But it applies to everything in general. The more you explore any subject the more you’ll know and be able to talk about it.

As long as your subjects of choice aren't boring people to death, this method is a fantastic way to become more interesting. It will also allow you to relate to a larger amount of people, since you know more about more things, something that would also make you seem intelligent. Albeit, if you know so much about many things, you might already be intelligent.

Talk About What You Know or Have Experienced

It doesn't matter how much you know or have experienced, if you never talk about it. Make it a point to open up whenever you find yourself in a social situation. Many people find it hard to talk in these scenarios but if you do it, you’ll take the pressure of them and have everyone eating out of your hand.

Do Something New Every Week

Although this might seem a bit difficult, don’t think of it as in doing a bungee jump this week and skydiving in the other. It can be anything from watching an Asian film to trying to knit. As long as you’re doing something new, you’ll always learn something new. The more you know about things, the easier it will be to talk about them.

Stick To What You Like

Don’t give 2 cents on what other people think. If you like business and the marketing of products to various audiences’ interests you deeply, talk about that. Be your own man and know that if you talk about what you know with an intelligent point of view, people will listen.

You can have college dropouts eating your every word if you’re expressing your thoughts with passion and common sense.

You Don’t Always Have To Talk

As you probably know already, the best way to relate to women is to listen closely and ask interesting questions. Try not to be the one that’s always talking, make a point to listen to others, you might actually learn something new.

Get Better At What You’re Good At

There are some things that you’re naturally good at and enjoy doing (no, it’s not playing Xbox). If you focus on those things as much as you can, you’ll eventually become your social circle’s expert on the issue.

You might think that this has nothing to do with anything, but being the authority on any issue means people will come at you for advice. Once they do, you’ll have respect and recognition from others, raising your social status like a boss.

Speak More Than 1 Language

While I'm sure many of you reading this are not English speakers by birth and have at least that as their forte. It’s a sad fact that most native English speakers don’t know any other foreign languages.

Personally, I'm fluent in 3 and know enough from others to make people that don’t know the language think I'm fluent. This works fantastically well when trying to showcase my abilities in social situations or in 1on1 situations with women.

If one particular girl tells me she visited Barcelona this summer I can say “Ah señorita, habla español?”, she’ll say “No, do you?” then I’ll just say “Sí, hablo un poco de español. Soy un hombre de negocios, un hombre mui fuerte” and although that doesn’t mean jack, I bet you she’ll be stunned about my abilities. Not only that, but I was able to relate to her (and her travels) in a way that many English speaking people aren’t. And no, I’m not fluent in Spanish either.

Lead! Don’t Follow

This is an obvious one but it’s absolutely paramount. Women are attracted to men that LEAD not to the ones that follow, it’s in their DNA. Be the guy that others want to follow, be strong about your opinions, don’t give in easy and don’t let anyone run you over. It will make you more interesting. It will make people ask the question, but why? Why do you have different views? Why do you want it to be like that?

And yet again, you’ll have people listening to what you have to say.

Be Fearless

When you’re bold and fearless a lot of things start to happen. Women will be attracted to you, guys will respect you, and new opportunities will always open up.

Being shy and uncomfortable is somewhat natural to most guys, being fearless and bold is not. If you want to be more interesting you need to step outside your comfort zone and go for what you want. It’s the only way you’re ever going to get there…

If You've Learnt It, Use It!

As already discussed, learning something new is absolutely key, but it’s nothing when compared to using what you've learned.

Take this article for example. So you now know that learning 1 other language is a phenomenal skill, because you've read it here. What will you do? Will you actually put in a little effort towards learning a new language, or will you just disregard that piece of advice like you do with everything else and continue with your mundane life as always?

It’s up to you. If you want change, things will change when you decide to work for that change. Now you know what it takes to be more interesting, it’s up to you to make the decision to change.

This is the sort of stuff I discuss on my blog and in the free eBook I give out. If you want to increase your success with women, visit – a place where the dating mindset is thrown out the window in favor of more direct and fruitful methods of meeting and seducing women. 

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