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I'm getting rounder as I'm getting older, how can I stop it?

Question from Naz

I'm reaching 30 and I'm noticing my waist line gradually getting bigger and I'm not looking as trim as I used to even though I go to the gym a couple of times a month.

What should I do?

Answer from one of the The Man Dem fans...

(Get involved by adding your thoughts too in the comments below)

I am not an expert...

But as a guy with a slow metabolism I've always struggled to stay in shape. (while my lucky ass brother got the good genes)

So I do have a lot of experience with what works and what doesn't...

Here are some tips from the trenches. What worked for me over the years (without the bullshit)

A lot of this might seem common sense- but the truth is most time common sense is what works.

1. Sweat profusely

The past few months I've been kidding myself in the gym. I go there with my Ipod, do twenty minutes on the Elliptical... and call it a day.  I feel good about myself cause I went to the gym...

But I didn't even break a damn sweat.  When I think back to the times I was in the best
shape and I've had months (even years) where I was rocking close to a six pack...

I came out of the gym drenched. Exhausted. Ready to fall on the ground and collapse.  And it felt damn good.

That's the way the end of a workout should feel. Your shirt should be drenched with sweat. And you be physically exhausted- yet mentally wide

2. Eat very little carbs

I love pizza. I also love beer. Unfortunately these two things make me gain weight fast. 

My body does not mix well with carbs. Anytime I reduce them I lose weight quickly.

If you want to shed fat the easiest way to do this is increase your cardio at the gym, and decrease your carb intake.

Pizza, pasta, bread, pancakes, potatoes, fries, tortillas, rice... Cut these things out of your diet, or limit them to once or twice a week tops.

3. Drink water

Duh. But seriously, drinking calories is a waste. Soda, sweet tea, milk, any sort of juice is just a waste of calories...

Drink freaken water.

4. 200 Push ups every morning

Push ups are my all time favourite exercises. (partly cause I have man boobs and they keep them in check)...

But push ups work out your whole body.  And the best part is they don't require a gym, weights, mats, benches...

Every morning, before you start your day, do 100 to 200 push ups (break them up if you need to).

BAM. That's 1400 push ups a week. That's 6000 push ups a month. That's 72000 push ups a year.

You think you'll see a difference? You bet.

5. Eat Eggs for breakfast

No more bagels. No pancakes. No rolls, no pastries, no dunking donuts.

Start your day off with a couple eggs. Here's why. You're starting your day off healthy and light. So you'll feel good in the morning.

When lunch comes you won't want to ruin your momentum so you'll be more likely to eat a healthy lunch.

I've found a direct correlation to what i'm eating for breakfast and my current pants size...

Anytime I find myself eating bagels or muffins for breakfast- I'm also usually NOT going to the gym or eating healthy later.

Do yourself a favour and start your day off on the right track.

200 push ups + healthy breakfast = win.

So that's my common sense guide to getting in shape.

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