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Charles Ramsey the Cleveland hero... where is he now?

Charles Ramsey brokeI know you haven't forgotten about this brother already? It was only back in May when he rescued Amanda Berry and others from his sick ass neighbour.

Eats McDonalds, saves white women, and gives one of the funniest interviews I've ever seen! But where is he now?
Well, since his original interview (which you can see here) this man has made $50,000 and of the first things he bought was a BMW. Now this looks like a stereotypical purchase for a brother who comes across a bit of cash, but I say why the fuck not, he didn't have any money to begin with so why not live a little?

Obviously this man hasn't seen much money before because after that he was bragging about 'being rich' and started selling t-shirts with his face on for $25. Well, why not strike while the iron is hot and try and make a few bucks out of your little bit of fame?

Then, a Chinese company made a video game where an animated version of Ramsey throws McDonald’s hamburgers at the kidnapper. The company had offered him a year of its Big Mac hamburgers for free. Wanna play the game? here it is:

Anyway, enough of that, Ramsey wasn't happy about this and tried to get the game banned but as you can see it's still here. And he refused the offer of the Big Macs which was probably one of the hardest decisions he had to make in his life...

His wife (at the time) divorced him alleging that he used to beat her and never paid child support (it's not looking good Ramsey). Can't a black man get a little spotlight without some shit like this coming out?

Apparently, he moved out of his home next door to the kidnapper because he was getting too much 'attention' and then found it hard to find somewhere to live because of the amount of attention that came with him. Luckily he had his $8,000 beemer that he slept in for a few nights. The same happened when he tried to get jobs. Too popular to live a normal life and too broke to make a living off his name he is now basically a homeless dude, with no place to call his own.

Listen to Charles tell it in his own words:

On the up side, he's currently trying to trademark his name and his catchphrases in order to sell halloween costumes, masks, t-shirts and shoes. Who the fuck wants to wear a Charles Ramsey mask?

~ Cee
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