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How do I tell her that she just has got too fat?!

thin woman fat womanSo you've been with you're woman for a while now but over the years she has gradually been getting fatter.

'Look I just want what I signed up for!' is what you're thinking but just don't know how to say it! right?

You know if you even mention to your girlfriend that she's getting 'a bit fat' she is NOT going to take it well, in fact you can kiss goodbye to getting action from your chubby lover that night and may have to endure the silent treatment for the next few days too.

Oh and subtle hints don't work either! you can't casually slip a 'do we really want to eat cake at this time' and expect her to know that you mean 'she' shouldn't be eating cake full stop with her new body cake pockets.

Ok here's the top 3 things you need to do and the excuses you will hear...

1, Dig out photos of her in old clothes that she used to look good in (they will be way too tight now), show her and ask her to wear them as you really liked her looking like that.

Excuse: 'They are old and I don't like them anymore' or 'I've thrown them out'
Counter: Get the clothes first. Or surprise buy her some new ones in the size that she was then! You will have to change it later (not to waste your money) but the point will be made.

2, Get your own ass to the gym -you can only moan if you haven't got fat too! When you do go also invite her to go to the gym with you as you think you 'both' need to get in shape.

Excuse: 'I want to go to a girly gym'  or 'I don't have the time'
Counter: Say Ok and sign her up to which ever gym she likes.  Buy workout DVD's and put them on for her after she has sat on her fat ass watching TV for a while.

Man and woman arguing3, Tell her! Yep your'e gonna have to spit it out (like you wish she would with the cake!).  This can't be fluffy and soft so its best done after an argument about something else! You will have that don't give a fuckness about you plus you already know you aint getting any booty that night anyway!  The words that need to be included are 'you have put a lot of weight on and I am less attracted to you physically'.

Most guys could handle hearing that themselves and it would probably motivate them to do something because of pride alone, but this is the worst thing a woman wants to hear as they think that once they have you for a while that you will just see their inner beauty no matter what. WRONG! we (men) see what our eyes actually see, not our hearts.

Excuse: I've had kids since then.  I'm a lot older so that's what happens
Counter: People have kids and lose the baby weight if they want to and actually try to.  The older you get the easier it is to get out of shape, so the more you actually need to DO something.

Now if you like big women and you're the one who's feeding her up then she's just getting better and better for you!

For those of you that want her to be relatively the same size that she was when you fell in love with her, there's no easy way to break it gently to her your just gonna have to be prepared to take the storm that comes with getting your loved one back!

The real easy way to create awareness and maybe save yourself or your 'friend' (see what I did there) from having to do any of the steps is to simply 'like' this post on Facebook! Sitting on Facebook watching status updates all day is half of the problem so trust me it will be seen!

Let us know if this has helped or if it just got you a ban from feeling the love (handles).

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