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Is it about time we just let athletes 'ROID the hell up?

Muscular Obama
Year after year athletes are getting caught using some drug or another to help give them the edge in competition.

The most recent is Tyson Gay, the fastest man in the world this year along with Asafa Powell. Is it about time we said "fuck it, let them use steroids"? What's the worst that could happen right?
What kind of superhuman creatures could be created if there were no rules on drug use in competition?

The stuff a lot of these athletes take are always pushing the boundaries, and even if they aren't illegal yet, probably will be soon.

Well check what a good course of the 'enhancements' could do for you (taken from
  • Anabolic steroids could give you a 38% increase in strength in men
  • Human growth hormone can give sprinters 4% more sprinting capacity (not much, but world records are broken with fractions of a second)
  • Erythropoeitin (EPO) can increase an endurance athlete’s stamina by 34% and shave 44 seconds off their eight kilometer time
  • Nitrate allows divers to hold their breath for 11% longer
  • Experimental gene doping gives mice 14% more strength and 70% more endurance
Of course, pumping your body full of drugs like steroids and pissing about with genetic code is gonna have some side effects. Although steroids will give that power advantage, also look forward to child sized testicles to go with that, yep, your balls would shrink and although it might make your dick look a little bigger in comparison, nobody wants peanut like balls.

Harry Aikines-Aryeetey
Powerhouse: Harry Aikines-Aryeetey
Not a roider but big as fuck!
Also, you've got high blood pressure, thickening of the heart valves, increased risk of stroke, lack of sex drive along with other changes to turn you into a lil' bitch. And for women, you'll end up looking like a man after a shit load of hormone changes, like getting chest hair and the killer... hypertrophy of the clitoris. That means the clitoris starts to look like a fucking dick and gets long and shit!

But, even after all these side effects, people take steroids time after time in order to gain an advantage, even though it blatantly mashes up their bodies in the process.

Well I say fuck it, let em roid and call it 'The Super Olympics'. Sure we'd have to get used to a few heart attacks and strokes here and there, but we'd get some ridiculous world records out of it and a decent freakshow...

~ Cee
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