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Facebook has 'shared' your personal information!

Mark Zuckerberg
Surely now everybody is aware of how risky it is to put your personal shit on social media sites such as Facebook and twitter right?

Look what happened to these people...
Using public information that you have made available on the internet, do you know how easy it is for someone to clone your ass and open bank accounts in your name, ruin your reputation by creating a fake profile of you with the correct info that 'you' supplied, or maybe even do even worse (ahem' those of you filling your public wall with pictures of your bratty kids).

Yes still use Facebook etc -we all do in fact people think you're a bit weird if you don't!  All I'm saying is be careful what PERSONAL information you throw into the world wide web because once its in there you can't get it out! You are putting your trust (basically just hoping) that they don't 'lose' or even sell it to people that can do you harm.

If you need another reminder then just keep below (snips from an online article and a video)

"....Facebook has admitted accidentally leaking more than SIX MILLION email addresses and phone numbers.

The social network said on Friday that a bug had shared the contact information for many users without their consent through its 'Download Your Information' tool.

Facebook said it was "upset and embarrassed" by the leak.

The bug accidentally associated users' information with other contacts, and downloaded their email and phone number when those contacts used the DIY tool.

The social network said that it would contact affected users by email, and added hat it had paid a "bug bounty" to the security researcher who had identified the issue."

Comment below and let me know what you use Facebook for and if it has ever let you down.

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